Workers' Compensation And Signs Of Problems

Most hurt workers have no problem with their workers' comp insurance. Unfortunately, some workers encounter roadblocks on the way to gaining the benefits they need and deserve. Those benefits include payment of medical costs, a partial disability wage, and a lump-sum settlement for permanent injuries. There's no need for hurt workers to put up with a denial from the insurer. Read below and find out about some common issues workers experience with getting benefits.

Watch Out for Uncooperative Employers

From the beginning, your employer has to be part of the process. Not all employers support hurt workers when they need workers' comp benefits. Looking at things from their point of view will show that they are losing a valuable employee that will have to be replaced somehow while they recuperate. Also, there is always the possibility that their workers' comp premiums will rise if a claim is filed. That can result in the following:

  1. Employers that are unfamiliar with the workers' comp claims process and that fail to properly file claims for hurt workers.
  2. Employers that believe the injury to not be work-related.
  3. Employers that believe the injury was preexisting.
  4. Employers that fail to respond in a timely manner to requests by the workers' compensation carrier.

Watch Out For Doctor's Orders

In some cases, hurt workers must use a doctor of the workers' compensation carrier's choosing. Those doctors may provide excellent care to hurt workers but they are usually paid by the carrier. That might influence the decisions that the doctor makes, unfortunately. When a doctor orders you to return to work, it often follows what is known as an independent medical exam. If you disagree with the ruling, speak to a workers' comp lawyer about requesting a second opinion from a neutral doctor. You also have the right to challenge any decisions made by the workers' comp carrier.

Watch Out For Rulings of Permanent Injury

Another outcome of the independent medical exam is that of a permanent injury. When that happens, you are likely entitled to a cash settlement from the insurer. The negotiations for this settlement are important since you may not be able to work at any job again. Don't try to negotiate with the insurers on your own. Workers' comp lawyers understand how to get you the best settlement possible. While the amount of the settlement is important, so is the way the money is paid and other rehabilitation benefits. To ensure you don't get taken advantage of by the workers' comp carrier, speak to a lawyer today.

To learn more, reach out to a workers' compensation lawyer in your area.
